srijeda, 25. srpnja 2007.

bytefx less than 3Kb ? ... NO, less than TWO

What an incredible compressor ... i didn't know it but seems really really a good compressor !!!
I'm talking about memtronic javascript compressor that allows me to pass from about 2.7 Kb into 1.98 Kb (with comments) !!!

Sure, it's not a big difference from Dean Edward packer but now I can say that I've created an FX library in exactly 1.889 byte (without comments) ... it's hilarus for me, I didn't know that some compressor was able to reduce size in this way.

Thank you memtronic !!! Your compressor is fantastic !!!

Nema komentara:


parapeta alexferris briansvadowsky richard sam tony david frankpdas chris bravetina